SigDigger AIR-T Install¶
This tutorial uses conda to create a virtual environment. Airstack conda support is coming soon to Airstack 2.0+.
This tutorial will walk you through how to install and run the SigDigger tool on an AIR-T. SigDigger is a free digital signal analyzer for GNU/Linux and macOS, designed to extract information of unknown radio signals. It supports a variety of SDR devices through SoapySDR, and allows adjustable demodulation of FSK, PSK and ASK signals, decode analog video, analyze bursty signals and listen to analog voice channels (all in real time). More information can be found here SigDigger Documentation
Create conda env using this yml file:
name: sigdig channels: - conda-forge - nvidia - defaults - file://opt/deepwave/conda-channels/airstack-conda dependencies: - python=3.8 - compilers - cmake>=3.20 - qt=5.15 - numpy - matplotlib - pip - soapysdr-module-airt - pkg-config - fftw - volk - mesa-libgl-devel-cos7-aarch64
Build & activate your environment
conda env create -f sigdig.yml conda activate sigdig
Set environment variables needed for install
export CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT=${CONDA_PREFIX}/aarch64-conda-linux-gnu/sysroot export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib
Download & run install script
wget -O chmod +x ./
Start SigDigger
cd ~/blsd/SigDigger ./SigDigger