GNU Radio on the AIR-T¶
GNU Radio is a widely used free and open-source modular toolkit for developing and executing signal processing applications on software defined radio platforms, including the Deepwave Digital AIR-T. With the release of AirStack 2.0, GNU Radio runs natively under Python on the AIR-T. This approach also supports the newer and more capable GNU Radio 3.10+.
The following instructions apply to AirStack version 2.0+ only. For AirStack 1.0 and below, see this tutorial.
Launching GNU Radio¶
GNU Radio comes preinstalled with Airstack 2.0+. You can launch it using the command below:
Run the Example Code¶
There are multiple examples provided in AirStack located in /home/<username>/Desktop/AIR-T_QuickStart_Apps/gnuradio
. You can open these examples by selecting File -> Open and navigate to one of the two files in the AIR-T_QuickStart_Apps
file on the Desktop. You can also download these files from the public example github repo.
Receiver Demo¶
Use the airstack_rx_demo.grc
file for a simple demonstration on how to receive signals on the AIR-T using GNU Radio. The Soapy AIR-T Source block should be used receiving signals using GNU Radio.
Transmitter Demo¶
Use the airstack_tx_demo.grc
file for a simple demonstration on how to transmit signals on the AIR-T using GNU Radio. The Soapy AIR-T Sink block should be used for transmitting signals using GNU Radio.
Modify the Example Code¶
Next you may modify either of these example for your needs. Note that the AIR-T_QuickStart_Apps
folder links to a read-only directory. If you wish to modify the one of these files, you must save it to a different location.