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Using External Local Oscillators

This application note only applies to the products listed at the top of this page.

Some AIR-T models provide external local oscillator (LO) inputs (transmit and receive) to allow an external LO source to be used with the device.

Input Parameters

The list of applicable products above can accept an external LO input signal between 0 and +6 dBm for LO frequencies up to a maximum of 4 GHz. In addition, the input LO frequency must be double that of the desired LO frequency, e.g., 8 GHz input creates a 4 GHz LO. This is summarized in the following table:

Minimum Maximum Typical
External Input Frequency (MHz) 600 8,000 -
Corresponding Internal LO Frequency (MHz) 300 4,000 -
Input Power1 (dBm) 0 +6 +3

Receive External Local Oscillator

Connect an external synthesizer to the RLO (receive) connector at twice the desired LO frequency. Next, the configure SoapySDR device. The External LO is enabled via the SoapySDR Device instantiation argument rx_lo_src="external". For example, modify the Receiving Samples with Python tutorial by doing the following replacement:


sdr = SoapySDR.Device(dict(driver="SoapyAIRT"))  # Create AIR-T instance


sdr = SoapySDR.Device(dict(driver="SoapyAIRT", rx_lo_src="external"))

It is important that the frequency value used in sdr.setFrequency(SOAPY_SDR_RX, 0, freq) is the desired LO frequency, not necessarily the input frequency.

Transmit External Local Oscillator

Connect an external synthesizer to the TLO (transmit) connector. Next, configure the SoapySDR device. Just as in receiving, the External LO for transmitting is enabled via the SoapySDR Device instantiation argument: tx_lo_src="external". For example, modify the Transmitting on the AIR-T tutorial by doing the following replacement in the transmit_tone function as follows:


sdr = SoapySDR.Device()  # Create AIR-T instance


sdr = SoapySDR.Device(dict(tx_lo_src="external"))

It is important that the lo_freq value used in sdr.setFrequency(SOAPY_SDR_TX, chan, lo_freq) is the desired LO frequency, not necessarily the input frequency.

  1. 50 Ohm impedance. +3 dBm is typical for an external input frequency less than 2 GHz.